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Title Opportunities/Optional Contests


In addition to our six age division titles, we will award 2 additional titles; Superstar and Ambassador. Each of these prestigious titles will be awarded the same prize package, have the same opportunities during her reign, and advance to the national pageant in Branson. 


The Superstar competition is a way to showcase your talents! Entries have a time limit of 2 minutes 30 seconds. Points will be deducted for exceeding this time limit. Live accompaniment is not allowed. Only the contestant may perform. 


The Ambassador competition is a way to celebrate those who have a heart for service. At a state level, contestants will must submit a letter of recommendation at pageant check-in. This letter should be written by an individual who has been affiliated with your community service and volunteer work. Contestants will have the opportunity to discuss their letter of recommendation, their plan to make a positive impact in their community, and how they will strive to promote Princess of America's motto "A Crown With a Cause" as the Ambassador queen. At a national level delegates will assemble a multi-page portfolio. Junior divisions (Tiny, Little, and Preteen) will have 2 minutes with the judges and senior divisions (Teen, Junior, and Miss) will have 3 minutes with the judges. This will be a panel style interview. Wear interview attire.


 There are more optional contests offered at the national level.rsz-1rsz-2img-3351.jpg


Please bring a photograph no larger than 8 x 10 to pageant check in. No glitz photos. Please adhere to makeup guidelines. You may enter as many photos as you would like. The overall winner of the photogenic competition will receive an invitation to compete at the national pageant with an appointed title.


Contestants will model the outfit of their choice. This is a fun, age appropriate ensemble. Remember, this is not a costume or a dance routine. No props and no glitz modeling. Accessories that you wear such as a scarf, sunglasses, or hat are permitted. Item that you carry such as a purse or umbrella are not permitted. Judging is based on presentation and personality. The overall winner of the casual wear competition will receive an invitation to compete at the national pageant with an appointed title.


Contestants will prepare an original speech to deliver to the judges and audience. The time limit is 90 seconds. Points will be deducted for exceeding the time limit. Your speech should be memorized. Select the topic of your choice. Wear interview attire. The overall winner of the spokesmodel competition will receive an invitation to compete at the national pageant with an appointed title.


Contestants who enter special awards will be eligible for all awards listed below.

  • Best In Interview
  • Best Interview Attire  
  • Best Personal Introduction  
  • Best In Formal Wear
  • Best Gown
  • Best On Stage Question
  • Best Smile